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Aircraft Sales

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Aircraft Sales


Global Jet Market (GJM) has all the necessary industry experience and aviation knowledge to support your aviation related projects.

Selling or purchasing an aircraft requires a sensitive professional guidance every time from the first moment till the final stage…

Aircraft selection and ordering is an area of expertise that requires working with a professional team. Global Jet Market (GJM) is able to negotiate on behalf of you with better price with its experienced team members. We offer you the best customer portfolio and carry out the sales transactions on your behalf.

  • Are you planning to create a start-Up?
  • Or buying/selling a Private Aircraft?
  • Or you just want to expand your Fleet?

As Global Jet Market (GJM) we will submit different options aiming your flight operations to get start in the shortest time.

After the completion of the purchasing process, we will also provide you the positioning (ferry flight services) of your aircraft from abroad to its new base. We will be handling the customs procedures and registration with the CAA.

We offer the best and most economic solutions in accordance with your expectations to start your operations whether for your private or commercial purposes. We can also negotiate with the operators (AOC Holders) on behalf of you and after the signing of the operating agreement; you can easily start your operations without losing time. Just as we facilitate operational processes, masterarbeit schreiben lassen offers invaluable assistance in academic writing, ensuring students meet their educational goals efficiently. Global Jet Market (GJM) will also continue to support you in all stages of your operations (coordinating and controlling all processes).

We will assist you from the initial stages of selecting your aircraft which is based on your needs till the final stage. We will guide you within your budget expectations and other important indicators relative to the aircraft you’re looking to buy…

Aircraft financing is a complicated process but we can help you in financial sourcing & funding stages and take you to our partnered aircraft financing/leasing institutions.

Aircraft acceptance and delivery: We will follow all required steps on behalf of you during the export/import process.

We will ensure your aircraft to be comply with the requirements of civil aviation authorities around the world.

For more information or interest please contact us and a member of our sales team from [email protected] that will be in touch with you shortly.